EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty club
Welcome to the club. Enjoy exclusive benefits, members-only savings, advanced itinerary notices, and more.
Want to know how many points you’ll earn for your choice of suite or stateroom? You’ll find a full breakdown below for the accommodation options on board our Europe and Southeast Asia river cruises, and our luxury yacht cruises.
Earn up to 190 points for each day of accommodation you enjoy aboard our award-winning Europe river cruise Star-Ships.
EmeraldEXPLORER Points
Riviera Deck Stateroom (D, E, F & ES): 140 Daily Points
Vista Deck Panorama Balcony Suite (B, C & R): 150 Daily Points
Horizon Deck Panorama Balcony Suite (A & P): 160 Daily Points
Horizon Deck Grand Balcony Suite (S): 190 Daily Points
Horizon Deck Owner’s Suite & Riverview Suite (SA & RA): 190 Daily Points
Explore our Europe river cruises
Earn up to 150 points for each day of accommodation you enjoy aboard our Southeast Asia river cruise Star-Ship, Emerald Harmony.
EmeraldEXPLORER Points
Riviera Deck Stateroom (D): 100 Daily Points
Vista Deck Panorama Balcony Suite (B): 110 Daily Points
Horizon Deck Panorama Balcony Suite (A): 120 Daily Points
Pool Deck Panorama Balcony Suite (AP): 130 Daily Points
Pool Deck Grand Balcony Suite (S): 150 Daily Points
Pool Deck Owner’s Suite (SA): 150 Daily Points
Explore our Southeast Asia river cruises
Earn up to 190 points for each day of accommodation you enjoy aboard our luxury yachts, Emerald Azzurra and Emerald Sakara.
EmeraldEXPLORER Points
Emerald Deck Oceanview Stateroom (D): 140 Daily Points
Observation Deck Balcony Suite (B): 150 Daily Points
Panorama Deck Balcony Suite (A): 160 Daily Points
Pool Deck Deluxe Balcony Suite (S): 170 Daily Points
Observation Deck Yacht Suite (Y): 190 Daily Points
Panorama Deck Terrace Suite (T): 190 Daily Points
Pool Deck Owner’s Suite (SA): 190 Daily Points
Explore our Yacht cruises
Relax on an award-winning Europe river cruise or explore the delights of the Mekong River.
Unwind on an award-winning luxury yacht as you sail the world’s oceans in style.
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